I'm Eric Jemal Sharpe, and I'm a professional event photographer based out of the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. I have worked with Under Armour, Luster Products, greiBO Media, Nyumbani USA, AGE Africa, Covenant House DC, and several other organizations.
I was re-introduced to my love of photography when my first child was born in 1999. After many, many years of chasing my kids around with a camera, I've been well trained at anticipating a moment, and interacting with the person on the other side of the camera to get a reaction or feeling out of them. There's a rhythm, movement, and timing to telling a story, and that comes through in my photography. It's paying attention to the details, and applying a creative perspective to them. I enjoy being able to take a snapshot of those moments, that when you look back at my photographs, you say, "You remember that time when...".